domingo, 8 de agosto de 2021

Son Goku Dragon Ball AF Custom figure TheFwoosh Summer Swap!

Here he is, Son Goku Super Saiyan level 5, Dragon Ball AF, from TheFwoosh Summer Swap event 2021;

For those who don't know, Dragon Ball AF was the fake sequel to Dragon Ball GT. In the early days of internet, before Facebook, instagram, pinterest and all those thingys, and when google was starting up, information was obscure, and everyone believed this was the real next Goku that got leaked. Sadly, it was just a fantastic fanart made by somebody. Anyway, onto the custom itself; it is wonderful. Ultra powerful, with insane tons of sculpting (I am guessing there is a ML Toxin down there? amazing). This has got me pumped to do summer swaps and secret santas forever! airbrushed too, articulable tail, real cloth for his skirt, etc. This is how Goku should have been, and not the new transformations of Dragon Ball Super! thanks so much. I will need to do a very amazing Secret Santa custom, the level has been set very high!