martes, 8 de diciembre de 2020

Genecide Marvel Legends custom figure Secret Santa theFwoosh 2020

I holded up mine since my birthday, which was yesterday, as it got here a week before or so :P . I usually hold them till Christmas, but being my Birthday and having arrived so early, the choice was clear :P , and I couldn't wait so much!!!

Here is it is, in all it's genetic glory, Genecide;

For those who don't know her, is a super obscure mutant enemy, basically known for fighting the New Warriors new incarnation on the early 2000s. When I received the parcel, I was baffled, I almost thought my elf thought was 3.75 inch, as the box was minuscule and judging by it's weight, I thought it couldn't contain anything else than feathers!

Man I was wrong. This beautiful dame was hidding inside, in all it's chrome glory. I love chrome, and I was impressed to see this sort of chromed-foamy, that gives such spectacular finish. My elf seems that pulled off this wonderful custom in a very imaginative way, without even using sculpting ,and it's not missed. Made the best present of my birthday, and one that will stand proudly in my collection forever :)  .  

sábado, 8 de agosto de 2020